Will definitely be picking this up when the full game is out
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I read your whole review multiple times because I could not believe you thought it was OK to criticize a game for being inaccessible to you because you couldn't do the central premise of the game. You said the game gets more and more inaccessible, because of something you can't do. That's exactly what video games are supposed to do, if you play a puzzle game, if you can't figure out puzzles, eventually you will hit a point where you can't continue. That's not an accessibility issue, this comment was like someone who can't keep a beat complaining to someone who made a rhythm game that the later stages were too hard. You don't need accessibility options you just aren't able to do one thing, and have to choose your life choices accordingly, and not complain when everything doesn't go your way. I'm terrible at shoot em ups, but I don't complain to the dev every time I die too much. People's brains working differently is a reason to make different games, not to change every single game to fit every person, that was my entire point.
I just played part way through the steam demo. Everything is in place for this game to be very good. Not sure exactly what the end goal is but the base gameplay is amazing. It feels a bit linear, at least to start, and I get why, but I feel like a bit more of a nonlinear feel would push this over the edge to great. The writing could use a bit more brevity. These things aside I loved what I played and look forward to when this releases.
I just tested this out on my gba sp. I think sounds not overlapping is fine, because in general this is like beatboxing, where you're just creating a cool simple rhythm, the space between is most important.
I think in your shoes I would have also gone the route you did where directional keys modify, that's the most elegant and pleasing, but after testing this out I think Bass snare on BA, and then symbols and toms on the d-pad would be more fun and kinetic for creating cool beats.
As usual, a really cool bit of design, I am yet to dislike a release of yours. I wish more game designers were as committed to designing something interesting as you are.